The Push-Up Challenge - Day 15

I'm suffering from a cold this week so that's another excuse to throw on the pile for why I'm behind. My current count stands at 443. With a week to go, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

Support or learn more at The Push-Up Challenge.

Nature and Mental Health

Day 15: 120 push-ups

Today’s target is 120 push-ups, for the 120 minutes of time spent in nature per week that is associated with good health and well-being.

Spending time amongst nature can produce significant and positive impacts on people’s psychological and physiological health. When compared to people who participate in similar activities in an urban environment, people immersed in nature report improved mood and lower feelings of stress.

Something as simple as visiting your local park, or anywhere else where you can witness the natural world is a proven way to reduce feelings of stress and improve mood. Studies also show that these benefits are maximised when people pay attention to the natural world around them, and are not distracted by other activities such as using smartphones or listening to media.

The effects of nature on well-being are especially true for children, with research indicating that regular exposure to nature and the outdoors has many positive effects on early brain development and long-term mental well-being.

You don’t even need to be running around - studies show that both active (i.e. running, sport, games) and passive (i.e. walking, sitting outside) exposure to nature help to improve physical, social and emotional well-being, and benefit cognitive and behavioural development in children. Natural environments encourage creative play, which has been shown to improve resilience, self-confidence and initiative in young people.

Spending time in nature has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, and has been associated with enhanced attention, higher academic performance and strong social skills.

So, while it’s not always possible to engage in nature play 24/7, it’s worth encouraging any children in your life to step out for a bike ride, or even just relocate the train set from the living room floor to a blanket in the garden – every little bit of fresh air helps.

And for the adults, see if you can schedule spending some time in the wilderness in your calendar this week, whether getting bundled up and taking a walk in the woods or visiting your local park.

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