The Push-Up Challenge - Day 12

My total currently stands at 328 push-ups and we're halfway through the challenge. That math isn't mathing. I have a lot of work to do this week.

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Male Suicide

Day 12: 75 push-ups

Today’s target is 75 push-ups, representing the fact that approximately 75% of lives lost to suicide are male.

With suicide rates approximately three times higher among men than women, men’s mental health deserves attention. A variety of social, biological and psychological factors can contribute to male suicide. Major depressive disorder is a leading risk factor for suicide, as are anxiety, bipolar and schizophrenia.

Men may have different experiences of depression than women. Some men may experience what’s sometimes known as ‘male-type’ depression, characterized by symptoms such as irritability, anger, substance use, impulsivity and risk-taking. Increasing awareness of these symptoms is crucial.

To address the higher rates of suicide among men, we must recognize that cultural norms may sometimes discourage men from openly discussing their emotions and seeking help when needed. By reshaping the concept of masculinity through open conversations and support-seeking, we can make a positive change. Together, let’s create a society that values the well-being of men and encourages seeking support when needed.

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