The Push-Up Challenge - Day Nine

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Eco Anxiety

Day 9: 84 push-ups

Today’s target is 84 push-ups, representing the 84% of young people who are worried about climate change.

An international study that surveyed 10,000 young people aged 16 to 25 across 10 countries, found that 85% were at least moderately worried about climate change. More than 45% of young people said their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning.

Growing public awareness around climate change and its implications has seen an increase in ‘eco-anxiety’, particularly in younger generations. This deep concern surrounding the state of our climate and future of life on earth can manifest in feelings of helplessness, frustration, anger and fear.

Severe climate-related natural disasters such as floods, storms and wildfires are becoming more frequent across Canada. For those directly impacted, displaced living conditions and loss of community can contribute to an increase in anxiety, depression and PTSD.

Thankfully, research suggests that participation in climate action can boost our mental well-being. Getting involved in activities that promote sustainability and help to reduce our carbon footprint can promote positive feelings of control and purpose.

Lifestyle changes such as riding a bike to work instead of driving in the summer, composting your food waste, or participating in climate action efforts in your neighbourhood will benefit the planet AND help to improve your mental well-being.

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