The Push-Up Challenge - Day Eight

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Workplace Mental Health

Day 8: 76 push-ups

Today’s target is 76 push-ups, for the 76% of Canadians who say they would be supportive of colleagues who may be experiencing mental illness.

Despite this, the stigma around mental health conditions still persists. Three-quarters (75%) of working Canadians say they would either be reluctant to admit (48%) or would not admit (27%) to a boss or coworker that they were experiencing a mental illness.

The top reasons respondents in this study said they would be reluctant to admit, or would not admit to a mental illness, were:

Half of working Canadians worry that if they disclosed they were experiencing a mental illness to a boss or co-worker, their ability to do their job would be questioned.

Breaking down the stigma around mental illness is so important. A great way to start is to have open conversations with your buddies, colleagues and family around mental health.

If you would like to see the mental health of your colleagues or employees better supported, CMHA has created the Not Myself Today workplace mental health program specifically to build greater mental health awareness, reduce stigma and foster safer workplace cultures. You can find out more at

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