The Push-Up Challenge - Day Six

This one's really late today. I'm also falling behind on my push-ups. Tomorrow will be a make-up day.

Support or learn more at The Push-Up Challenge.

2SLGBTQI+ Mental Health

Day 6: 60 push-ups

Today’s target is 60 push-ups, for 6 ways to bolster mental wellness in our 2SLGBTQI+ communities.

2SLGBTQI+ individuals experience unique mental health journeys. Transgender and gender diverse people in Canada face an amplified risk of mental health challenges compared to cisgender peers. 2SLGBTQI+ individuals experience higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicide, and higher risk of substance abuse.

The disparities in mental health outcomes for 2SLGBTQIA+ people are believed to be largely due to minority stress. According to the minority stress theory, internalized cis-hetero-normativity (the assumption that everyone is cis-gendered and heterosexual) together with anticipated or experienced stigma and discrimination results in high levels of chronic stress for 2SLGBTQI+ individuals. This ongoing stress directly impacts physical and psycho-social health. In addition, a lack of cultural competency in the health care system can negatively impact the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

Creating environments of acceptance, inclusivity, and understanding is vital to improve mental health outcomes for 2SLGBTQI+ people. Dispelling stigma related to sexual orientation and gender identity is a crucial step toward creating spaces that genuinely embrace all Canadians.

Consider these six ways you can make a positive impact:

  1. Create Welcoming Spaces: Embrace all identities in spaces you influence, emphasizing inclusivity.
  2. Learn and Listen: Gain insights into the unique experiences & challenges of different 2SLGBTQI+ individuals, offering your support & understanding.
  3. Stand Against Bullying: Actively challenge any form of discrimination, standing up as an ally.
  4. Educate Yourself: Understand the distinctive mental health challenges faced by all areas of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, extending empathy & knowledge.
  5. Promote Self-Care: Encourage a culture of mental health awareness, sharing coping strategies and self-care tips.
  6. Champion Change: Advocate for policies that protect rights and mental health, lending your voice to equality.

By taking any of these steps, you’re helping to create a brighter, more inclusive future. Find more resources at:

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