The Push-Up Challenge - Day Three

So, I can handle 55 push-ups, and tomorrow is a rest day. I will appreciate the rest, that's for certain.

Support or learn more at The Push-Up Challenge.

Social Determinants of Mental Health

Day 3: 55 push-ups

Today’s target is 55 push-ups, for the 5 out of 5 Canadians who can and should do things to look after their mental well-being. Mental health exists on a spectrum for each and every one of us, and there are many factors that can impact this.

Social and economic factors are inseparable from mental health and well-being. Our level of mental health can fluctuate depending on social determinants like stress, life stage, life events, level of support and also socioeconomic factors.

Just like physical health is something we all experience at different levels (whether good, bad or somewhere in between), each individual’s level of mental health sits somewhere on a continuum. Where we sit isn’t static, and our mental health can range from strong mental well-being to mental illness; often affected by social determinants.

Research suggests that socioeconomic factors may play an even greater role in determining mental health outcomes than clinical interventions. The following social and economic factors were found to have a big impact on mental well-being:

It’s important for us to remember that the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age can have an important influence on the mental health of all Canadians.

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