The Push-Up Challenge - Day Two

Five more push-up added for today's batch. Taking the set in batches of ten is working. I think I'll stick with that. I can get them done in about three minutes. Not bad.

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Indigenous Mental Health

Day 2: 54 push-ups

Today’s target is 54 push-ups, representing the 54% of children in foster care in Canada who are Indigenous – despite making up only 8% of Canada’s child population.

This high representation of Indigenous children in foster care is a legacy of colonialism and the residential schooling system. While the last residential school closed in 1996, the establishment of the child welfare system has continued a policy of removing Indigenous children. In the child welfare system, Indigenous children are removed from their culture and community supports. It is believed that this practice has contributed to inter-generational trauma and mental health challenges among Indigenous communities. Traditionally, Indigenous peoples typically share a community-centred approach to caring for children. Under this system, when children needed alternative care, they were placed with members of their extended family, and all family members helped to care for the children.

While there is still more work to be done, the Canadian government’s 2020 implementation of new legislation to reduce the number of Indigenous children and youth in care represents an acknowledgement of the need for change. Continued support of culturally relevant childcare is crucial to ensure better mental health for Indigenous Canadians.

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